Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Facing your Demons

I wonder why they call it the writer’s block. It’s not like a part of your brain’s being clogged with last night’s pasta or anything. You’re just being plain lazy. And when your friend living 701 kilometers away asks you to write something, even the most mundane things, like that frayed piece of thread from my skirt hanging below my ankle right now, seems extraordinarily interesting. Anyway, coming to the point. The article. Amethyst’s been bugging me day in, and day out, to do something productive. Before I could think of a witty retort, as to why I am unable to produce an article so interesting, so engaging that she’ll begin respecting me more, she flies off to some Godforsaken place filled with tigers, ‘faaaaaar from civilization’, as she puts it. Meanwhile, I’m fighting the urge to stop eating all the baked goodies I’m making for this new-year’s get together. Bingeing, they call it. I can’t explain why, but no amount of sugar rush seems to help these days.

It’s amazing, how one can feel SO bored, when there is SO much to do. Study for an exam which will decide your fate, for instance. I keep these archives of text conversations I have with people- to cheer me up when I need any cheering; which has come to be pretty often now. Here’s one such conversation I had with Amethyst:

5th October, 2012, 11:08:03pm.

Amethyst (Am): Omigod! I came across this rude, impertinent, imbecilic beyotch on CC. She was so demeaning! I’m seething right now! The hell! She probably thinks she has the IQ of Da Vinci. She’ so sadly mistaken; that’s called a superiority complex! She actually has the audacity to call me stupid?! She’s.going.down. >:|  Just talking to her made my BP rise 25 notches! I really need to learn how to be downright rude and bi***y. Just so that I can kick that condescending b**** off her high horse. Aaaaargh! >.< She freaking thinks that she’s above the rest of the world. That pr***.

Meera (Me):  xD Wow. I’m going to save that message in my archives. You were so.. Epic. :P This is the first time I saw you swear at someone!

Am: I was probably dying of high blood pressure, and all you can say is that?! That you’ll store this message in your so-called archives?! Hullo! Beside.the.point!

Me: So. How’d you come across her? How’d you piss her off? What sparked off this so-called resent war?

Am: Nothing! Absolutely nothing! She started it. I was replying to something another person said and this retard goes. ‘Nobody gives a f***.’ And me being the nice person, I say ‘Rude arse’. And then she says, ‘You couldn’t think of a better retort, could you, bi***?’ And then I say ‘Throwing in a couple of abusive words doesn’t make a retort seem smarter. It just makes this person look like more of a moronic ass with a really bad sense of diction.’ And then she says some Oh-I’m-so-smart thing, and I go ‘stop being so condescending, you nincompoop!’ and then she goes ‘Stop giving me reasons to be condescending. Do you get my point of view here?’ And I’m all ‘I’m sorry I don’t understand your point of view. I can’t get my head so far up my behind.’ And so it continued this way! T.T”
Dear Lord. I’ve never fought so much with anyone!

Me: Sorry to have replied late. I was passing my phone around my family and making them laugh. xD.. You are SUCH a doll. :D They were all like ‘Oh your friend is such a cute thing! I can imagine the queen tucking up her taffeta skirt and quarrelling for the last pair of Guccis.’

Siiiiiiigh. How does one take a year off and simply sit and study? (Not to mention lose track of almost 75% of that time) I mean, with no distraction, no ‘losing steam’, fully on track, making no mistake, leaving no stone unturned... This is unexplored territory for me. For Amethyst too, actually. I don’t know how she is doing it, but I for one, find it pretty disconcerting. The no-routine, the new town, the uncertainty (college?), the ‘OMG! You dropped a year? What will you do, if you don’t make it this time?!’ to name a few things. It’s been a double attack- take a year off school, AND move to a new town where you have absolutely NO chance, whatsoever, to meet likeminded people; actually, leave alone likeminded people. It’s hard to find a sane human that speaks the same language that I do. I have more animal friends here than humans. Honestly. I know two cows- Sita and Gita, Chica the hen, and her little chicks, who- I dutifully help cross the road every weekday, then there are five pigs- five giant, disgusting pigs, whose sight I try and fail to escape every TIME, our paths cross; then there is Sam, the dog who likes sleeping right in the middle of the road. Don’t ask why. And my house is right on the highway too. The only way I’m surviving this is by imagining I’m on some holistic retreat like Becky Bloomwood. Only, I don’t have a husband and I don’t have 92428274 credit card overdrafts and I’m not on my ten month long honeymoon. Hmm. I wonder why I’m having a hard time seeing that as good news. Sigh.

It’s New Year’s Eve. A time to make new resolutions, reminisce the past, celebrate with loved ones. Instead, here I am, in the middle of nowhere, sitting and watching ‘The Hangover II’, and writing a piece of self-loathing literature. Or at least I think it is cynicism.  Ah well. This too shall pass.  

Face your demons. This is a line from ‘Illusion and Dream’, by Poets Of The Fall. I think I’ve been successful at it upto an extent. I was putting off writing this piece, and I wrote it, finally.  I overcame my inhibition and called a few people, took care of a few loose strings, made a couple of new friends in the process, and the best of it all, I have FINALLY started studying. Really! I’m not fibbing! :D Happy new year, oh imaginary reader! Ciao. 

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