So. Here I am, squatted on the floor, laptop on my.. well, lap, racking my brain to squeeze out a witty, informative, entertaining piece for this blog my friend and I are about to start. Having taken a year off after school, the two of us have quite a lot of time on our hands, preparing for our Law School entrances being our main agenda in the near future. And so, we came up with the idea of writing a blog. Initially, we decided we'd dedicate the blog to current affairs, what's on the news channels, and all. But hey, who reads the news? (I mean, apart from the clever kids- the over achievers and the likes.) Reading the paper is one thing, and following through on every inch of progress on some treaty between two minuscule countries, even the names of which the rest of the world is bound to forget in the next couple of days, is another.
Now. What's this article (or whatever one may wish to call this) about? I'm still trying to figure that out. As I write, I'm juggling the Big Bang Theory, Two And A Half Men, and Facebook chat with four friends, and also the sixth chapter of Queen of Babble gets hitched. That book is goooood. So that means I'm good at multitasking, right? Oh, also, I suffer from ADD.. Which, is how, my English essays on child labour end up having excerpts from Wuthering Heights and Holes. Yes, I'm talking about the same essay. :)
And so, we decided our blog'd contain all things fun. Like articles on religiosity(okay not the kind that set off mobs running after us, after tracking our IP address, that is), food- everybody loves food! Clothes, fitness( this friend of mine, is a fitness freak. She's bent upon having her waist measure the same as her age), TV, movies, art.. pretty much anything that leads a person into believing writing (or reading, for that matter), doesn't require a very learned person's brain to be smeared all over the piece, showing off their smartness. Sometimes, it's all about enjoying yourself; and most importantly, keeping things simple.
But hey! I've got a functional brain! Whoo hoo! I've realized, there's a reason we've been created with a brain. To think of ways to ward off evil friends who want you to type pages and pages of replies to their crazy queries, and when you're finally done writing to them, all they do to display their copious amounts of gratitude is with a sleigh of a hand, say 'hmmmmm'. I haven't still gotten to figuring out the 'warding off' part. But I'm getting warmer.
I almost forgot. I double out as an agony aunt as well. And I'm so good at it, that I can probably make a living out of it. In all modesty, that is. I'm serious. I've been doing this since 9th grade. I wrote this column- 'Ask Estabanitha'.. And the one drawback of it all is, it leaves you so high and dry of opinions and advice for yourself in times of crisis, that you don't trust others enough to rely on them for some honest feedback. That's something like, being the world's best masseuse and therefore, never trusting your foot/back to the hands of another. That, borders in on insecurity. But it isn't exactly that. Is it?